WebinArt – call for expressions of interest

WebinArt is Creative Leicestershire’s flagship one-year Professional Development Programme for creatives + artists in Leicestershire, Rutland and Derbyshire. We collaborate with experienced professionals online + in-person to help creative businesses navigate their way to confidence and success.

As the current WebinArt programme draws to a close, the team is busy securing funding to run the next phase which we hope will begin in April 2020. We are planning a few changes which will mean we are able to provide support for Mid-Career Creative Enterprises as well as those who are just starting out. The two programmes will run side by side + will include mentoring, 12 monthly webinars, 6 live interviews, + 6 networking events in Leicestershire, Rutland + Derbyshire.

The cost for each participant will be £100 over the 12 months, which works out at just under £8.50 a month. There will be 6 free places available to those on low incomes or receiving benefits in the following areas: Blaby, NW Leicestershire, Hinckley & Bosworth and Rutland.

To register your interest, head to our website.

You can also follow WebinArt on Instagram (@webinart_uk) and Facebook (@webinartuk).

Opportunity Type


Contact Name

Cath Pilling

Contact Email




Start Date

18th February 2020

Closing Date

1st May 2020