Call for Contributions Sculptorvox Vol 4: Plastic Prognosticate

Plastic Prognosticate

Plastic: a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers

Prognosticate: foretell or prophesy (a future event).

We are seeking new writing, essays, interviews, creative interpretation, reviews, and photographic work that explore and respond to the title and theme ‘Plastic Prognosticate’.

You are invited to submit work that expresses notions, ideas and theories on materiality, process and future facing practices.

At the core of our work is the exposition of the expanded field of contemporary sculpture and its associated practice. Sculptorvox is an 8 volume publication going beyond seeing sculpture as ‘object’ and delves into the world, work, inspiration, processes, influences, ideas, journeys and careers of artists, writers, photographers who all work directly or indirectly with notions of three dimensions..

Please see the website for further information and submission guidelines.


Closing date for submissions – Tuesday 11th August 2020

Opportunity Type


Contact Name

Daniel Lingham

Contact Email


Start Date

13th July 2020

Closing Date

11th August 2020
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