
SEND Arts and Education Symposium

From: 8th May 2024 9:00 am

To: 8th May 2024 5:00 pm

Attenborough Arts Centre

Attenborough Arts Centre, Leicester, UK




Showcasing the Award-Winning SENsory Atelier programme

SENsory Atelier, works with disabled children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) to pioneer new ways of learning and communicating through art. Attenborough Arts Centre’s award-winning programme, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, gives space for children to lead their learning journeys, express themselves and access the world.

The pedagogy of SENsory Atelier puts arts, creativity and culture at the heart of SEND education. This innovative model has won the HEIST Gold Award for Best Widening Participation Initiative 2023 and the international Falling Walls Science Engagement Award 2023.

This Symposium will launch our SENsory Atelier Code of Practice, a guide to how creativity can transform SEND education nationally and internationally. It will bring together educators, artists and policymakers to shape the future of inclusive arts education, addressing key topics such as:

·         What is the role of arts in education?

·         What is the nature of learning in SEND education, and how do we know it is taking place?

·         What can mainstream education learn from arts in SEND education approaches?


When: Wednesday 8th May 2024 9.00am to 5.00pm, Attenborough Arts Centre, University of Leicester.


Exclusive: Early bird discount of 30% on £125 and £50 tickets until Friday 16 Feb 2024. Automatically applies at checkout.


What does the symposium involve?

·         Learn how SENsory Atelier provides an innovative model for the future of SEND education

·         Hear from internationally acclaimed experts in the field of arts and creativity in SEND education and develop your understanding of social pedagogy

·         Take part in practical workshops and explorations of creative activity with SENsory Atelier participants, teachers and artists to inform your own professional practice

·         Network with fellow educators and creatives from around the UK

·         Join interactive roundtable sessions to answer the future needs of SEND education nationally and internationally.

Who is it for?

The symposium is tailored for educators, artists and sector professionals, bringing together teachers, support staff, freelance artist practitioners, academics, senior leaders, policy makers, funders and arts organisations.

The symposium programme links to the DfE’s Teachers’ Standards (1, 2, 4, 5 and 8)

1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons

5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities


Booking Link

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