Remote Roundup 1st February – 7th February 2021

Happy Mondays
LU Arts, 7pm, 1 Feb
Learn how to crochet and keep yourself warm and stylish! Chilly during this winter? Wrap up warm and cosy with your very own handmade scarf! In this workshop, you will learn to crochet a scarf that can be worn throughout winter. Suitable for beginners. This online workshop will be led by Jean Cameron, a second year Textiles student who enjoys building on her making skills by knitting and crocheting. The workshop will take place via Microsoft teams. Details on how to join the session will be sent via email to everyone who books a place. In order to take part you will need:
-Crochet needles
-Yarn (suitable for crochet)
If you are on campus then you will be able to collect a materials pack. Please email once you have booked your place to let us know if you require a pack and you will be sent details on when and where to collect it from. You will need to let us know this at least one week in advance of the workshop date. This event is part of Happy Mondays – your weekly creative fix in partnership with LSU . Happy Mondays events are for Loughborough University students only.


Social Practice Social
Primary, 6pm, 2 Feb
Social Practice Social is a monthly discussion forum for artists, programmers, community organisers, activists, and others working with participation, collaboration, public space, or social change. During the pandemic, many artists and organisations have been developing physical activity packs and remote resources for groups they can no longer work with face to face. In this session we’ll be sharing examples of these projects and discussing some of the challenges and joys of trying to work socially, from a distance. Bring along your own projects to share, and we might start a mail art project together!

This event will take place online via Zoom. Please register here to receive the meeting information:…/tZEpcO2uqjkqG9xBtN7rj4VOX2HbG


Haarlem Crits
Haarlem Artspace, 8pm, 3 Feb
Haarlem Artspace Crits is a peer-group meet-up for creatives to share their work, receive feedback and develop their thinking. It’s open to anyone who would like to attend, contribute constructively and participate in a mutually supportive forum. The Crits are an opportunity to offer peer support, gain mutual learning and establish networking opportunities with creatives across the region. Two creatives will present at each crit, with each presenter given half an hour for discussion and sharing of their work. Haarlem Artspace Crits will be hosted on Zoom, from 8-9pm, on the first Wednesday of every even numbered month, so will occur on the following dates –

Wednesday 3rd February (3/02/21)

Wednesday 7th April (7/04/21)

Wednesday 2nd June (2/06/21)

Wednesday 4th August (4/08/21)

Breathing In Art
Fermynwoods Contemporary Art
Breathing In Art is a new series by Fermynwoods Contemporary Art to support and promote mask wearing whilst celebrating and featuring selected artists. Whilst we’re amid a global pandemic and wearing masks to protect ourselves and others is part of everyday life, we’re inviting artists to design a range of masks that will be available to the public. The next in this series comes from Sapphire Goss, a video artist whose work explores experimental materiality and hybrid collaborative forms to make work that grows, decays and lives beyond the screen. Sapphire also recently created a new film based work, Neverending Jigsaw, as part of our Triple Harvest series of remixed archival films, which layers industrial textures and movement interspersed with bucolic hand tinted scenes of farmland.