Category Archives: What change do you want to see through culture
In 2022 CVAN EM joined a conversation with artists and arts workers from Ashfield, Bolsover, Boston, Chesterfield, East Lindsey, NE Derbyshire and Mansfield about strengthening cultural and creative opportunities in their localities. These areas have been identified by Arts Council England (ACE) in their Delivery Plan for 2021-24. A total of 54 Priority Places were identified, 7 are in the East Midlands.
This research formed the start of long-term work which will see CVAN EM support existing provision in Priority Places in the East Midlands, whilst developing new approaches. The outcomes of this work are at present unknown as CVAN EM will continue to work in collaboration with the experts, learning from ‘local’ arts workers, artists and organisations to understand how we can strengthen cultural and creative opportunities in these localities.