At the beginning of July our six Document artists met as a group for the first time, in Leicester. Over tea and cake Andrew, Geoff, Jessica, Kajal, Tim and Tracey introduced themselves and told each other about their work and their current projects. They spoke about their passions and interests and shared their challenges and aspirations. Each outlined their motivations for applying to Document and what they hope to both achieve from it and bring to it.
A really lively conversation ensued with common themes emerging along with a great sense of purpose. Interestingly each one seemed to be at a pivotal point in their practice, project or career, enthusiastic and poised to use the project for reflection and re-evaluation in order to move on to further stages or into different ways of working. Open and honest, they conversed happily and in a productive way, and we’re really looking forward to pinning down with each of them the detail of what they will do!
Find out more about our Document artists.